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درمانگاه دندانپزشکی ابن سینا شیراز

Dental Implants


Dental Implants

Dental implants are typically made of a metal called titanium and are placed inside the jawbone. Prosthetic structures, such as crowns, are attached to this titanium. When a tooth is lost or extracted for various reasons, or even when someone is congenitally missing a tooth, an implant can be used as a replacement for the missing tooth.

During the process of tooth extraction and implant placement, in the area that is important for the design and aesthetics of the mouth, the tooth is usually extracted and then the implant is placed. Sometimes an immediate temporary crown is also placed on this implant abutment. For posterior teeth, the process usually involves first extracting the tooth and then after about two to three months, the implant surgery is performed. However, in some cases, it is possible to place the implant immediately after extracting the posterior tooth. The decision of whether the implant should be immediately placed or not is made after special imaging and consultation with a specialist.

Types of implants: Today, there are various types of implants available on the market. The main difference between these implants lies in a small percentage of the alloy and their surface characteristics, which are not significantly noticeable. However, the most important factor determining the quality of an implant is its surgical technique and prosthetic technique, not the material itself. Reputable companies and leading countries produce implants with greater fame. Korean implants are usually of an economical type, but industrialized countries such as Germany, America, and Switzerland also produce very high-quality implants.

Currently, the best implant manufacturing technology in the world belongs to Switzerland, and the best implants in the world are produced by this country. Some famous implant brands from Switzerland are Straumann, SPI, and SIC.

As mentioned, the quality of an implant is highly dependent on its surgical technique and prosthetic technique. At Ibn Sina Clinic, surgery is performed by maxillofacial surgeons or periodontists, and the prosthetic part is done by a prosthodontist and implant prosthodontics subspecialist, which helps to ensure quality.

Sometimes in implant treatment, procedures such as bone grafting, the use of bone powder, or sinus lift are recommended. After tooth extraction, the bone and gum of the desired area are analyzed, and a decrease in the height and width of this area occurs.

If a significant amount of time passes between tooth extraction and implant placement and there is a significant reduction in gum and bone analysis, the doctor may decide to increase the height and width of the bone. This can be done simultaneously with implant placement or before it in a separate stage.

In cases where bone analysis is relatively low to moderate, implant placement is usually possible simultaneously with bone grafting (using bone powder). However, if a long time has passed since tooth extraction, bone grafting is performed first, and then after four to six months, the implant is placed.

In the upper jaw, there is an empty space called the sinus, which enlarges downwards (towards the gums) after tooth extraction. This empty space is lifted upwards through a sinus lift surgery, providing the necessary height for implant placement. The timing of this procedure depends on the amount of available bone. If the amount of bone is low, sinus lift is preferably performed, and then after about six months, the implant is placed. If bone analysis is moderate, implant placement is done simultaneously with sinus lift.