• Saturday to Thursday from 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM
  • 09175559388

Ibn Sina Dental Clinic | Shiraz


Our Services

Ibn Sina Dental Clinic, with an experienced and specialized team, is at your service.

Ibn sina Dental Clinic

Dental Implants

An advanced method for replacing missing teeth and improving dental function.

Ibn sina Dental Clinic

Root Canal Treatment

An effective solution for treating teeth affected by infection or severe pain.

Ibn sina Dental Clinic

Restoration and Beauty

An effective way to enhance the appearance of teeth and create an attractive and beautiful smile.

Ibn sina Dental Clinic

Dental Prosthetics

An effective way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile.

Stay informed with the latest news.


Ibn sina Dental Clinic

Managing Dental Phobia in Children

Ibn sina Dental Clinic

How to Brush Teeth?

Ibn sina Dental Clinic

Everything About Tooth Plaque

Ibn Sina Dental Clinic

Experience specialized treatment with us.


Our experienced physicians

Experience specialized treatment with us.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your questions.

  • Are dental treatments painful?

    In some cases, dental treatments can be painful, such as when a tooth requires surgery or for more complex treatments like root canals. However, dentists typically use specialized materials such as anesthetics and sedatives to minimize pain and discomfort during the procedure.

  • What are the methods of preventing oral and dental diseases?

    Daily brushing and flossing, using mouthwash (as recommended by a dentist), regular visits to the dentist (at least twice a year), limiting sugar and carbohydrate intake

  • What factors should be considered to choose a reliable dentist?

    To choose a reliable and suitable dentist, it is important to first ensure their reputable education and licenses. Additionally, their specialization and experience in the areas you need are of particular importance. Oral and dental health promotion is crucial, so selecting a dentist based on your needs and preferences, as well as personal compatibility, can play a significant role in your treatment experience. Moreover, evaluating the opinions and experiences of others can help you choose an appropriate dentist.

  • How can I reduce dental treatment costs?

    To reduce dental treatment costs, you first need dental insurance. Insurance can help cover some of the treatment expenses. Additionally, regular dental check-ups and preventive care can prevent more complex and expensive treatments. Use proper at-home dental hygiene techniques to prevent dental problems. Furthermore, if you need dental treatment, consult with a dentist beforehand and explore different costs and options to create a suitable financial plan for yourself.

  • Are prosthetics and implants practical for replacing missing teeth?

    Yes, foundational treatments like prosthetics and implants are often highly effective and efficient for replacing missing teeth in many cases. These methods are supported by scientific and empirical evidence and have been utilized as one of the primary treatment approaches for tooth loss over the years.